woman chekcing blood sugar levels reading diabetes management


Living well with diabetes is more than possible - it's within reach.

By leveraging CareMonitor’s remote monitoring, telehealth capabilities and video-enabled services, health professionals are providing exceptional patient-centred care that helps diabetes patients meet their individual HbA1c targets based on their age, gender, lifestyle factors and live clinical data.

CareMonitor is transforming diabetes care with tailored support plans and a comprehensive approach to care.

Our world-class system, build under the guidance of an endocrinologist-led team, offers access from anywhere at any time ensuring premium quality healthcare with unprecedented efficiency that can be delivered directly where and when it’s needed.


Diabetes: Causes and Costs (infographic)

Take a closer look at what’s driving the diabetes epidemic, who is affected most, and how smart clinical decision-making tools driven by AI and remote patient monitoring can make a real difference for both diabetes patients and healthcare providers by reducing instances of avoidable hospitalisations.

A new era for diabetes care

Manage thousands of patient journeys with individualised attention-to-detail

CareMonitor for Diabetes

Collaboration with Western Sydney Diabetes

CareMonitor® Diabetes application has been designed in collaboration with Western Sydney Diabetes’ clinical team of endocrinologists, epidemiologists, diabetes nurse educators and allied health professionals.

Smart Algorithms

Our proprietary diabetes algorithm considers the patient’s age, gender, target HbA1c level and real time blood sugar readings to automatically provide appropriate advice to patients at point of care.

Clinical Decision Support

Robust clinical decision support engine for clinicians, and a dashboard specifically designed by endocrinologists to proactively identify and manage at-risk diabetes patients.


Health Literacy Reviewed

All patient messaging has gone through thorough health literacy review by University of Sydney Health Literacy Lab to make sure it’s easily understood.

Connected Devices

Integrated with a range of glucometers and other vital monitoring devices such as blood pressure monitors and heart rate sensors.

Educational Content

CareMonitor uses a vast diabetes-specific curated content library including over 100 patient videos which can be consumed on-demand.

Improve long-term outcomes

Diabetes is an increasingly common yet complex disease, often resulting in diabetes distress for the patient. Understanding how diabetes affects patients and modern society is essential to our health system. Research has explored the potential impact of digital monitoring using anonymised data of 440 type 1 diabetes (T1D) users.

After one month, it was found that their estimated HbA1c dropped from an average of 9% to 7.8%. After six months, this estimate further decreased to 7.7%, demonstrating the power of developments in self-managing diabetes care in helping to improve long-term outcomes.

Such findings underline the importance of strategies and interventions tailored to each individual patient's needs in order to successfully support diabetes self-management, empowering patients while also improving overall societal health outcomes.

It’s a win-win

CareMonitor for Diabetes makes the journey easier by bringing together disparate data from clinical systems to provide meaningful insights and allow healthcare professionals an increased level of oversight that can catch problems earlier- reducing hospitalisations, stress levels and costs along the way.

Data has never been so user friendly or convenient; now patients have all they need in one place and clinicians can optimise their care as needed without interruption. Everyone’s a winner.

clinician analysing data in diabetes care management caremonitor

Future Care, Here Today.