caremonitor patient eprescribing

Electronic Prescribing Software

Electronically prescribe medications directly through our SaaS-based digital healthcare software.

How Does Electronic Prescribing Software Work?

Electronic Prescribing (ePrescribing) is a vital component of our digital healthcare platform, replacing the traditional paper prescription process with an efficient, electronic system.

This cutting-edge solution allows hospital clinicians and those in other healthcare settings to transmit prescriptions directly to pharmacies, ensuring accuracy, convenience, and enhanced patient care.

What Are the Benefits of Using
Electronic Prescribing in Hospitals?

Reduces Physical Paper Prescriptions  

Electronic Prescribing removes the necessity for handling, storing, and managing paper prescriptions, leading to a more efficient process.

Increases Consumer Options

ePrescribing offers patients the flexibility to choose their preferred pharmacy, empowering them and reducing the burden on healthcare professionals.

Enables Use of Electronic Medication Charts

The integration of ePrescribing supports the adoption of electronic medication charts, improving medication management in hospitals, residential aged care facilities and other healthcare settings.

Social Distancing

Helps protect community members and healthcare workers from infectious diseases by minimising physical interactions and handling of paper.

Encrypted and secure

This digital transformation eradicates the need for manual handling and storage of paper prescriptions, hastening the fulfilment process.

ePrescribing also ensures secure handling of personal information, maintaining privacy and integrity for consumers.

Coordinated Care

By enabling seamless sharing of prescription information, ePrescribing bolsters the coordination between healthcare providers and pharmacies, leading to superior patient care management.

Enhanced Patient Safety

Minimising the risk of keying errors during dispensing, ePrescribing helps ensure that patients receive the correct medication every time.

Facilitates Seamless Digital Integration

ePrescribing aligns with digital health initiatives, facilitating seamless integration with telehealth platforms for ongoing patient care.

More Efficient

By enabling rapid and precise prescription fulfillment, ePrescribing eliminates manual handling of paper prescriptions, streamlining the process.

STUDY RESULTS: Reduction in Prescribing Errors in Hospital Settings

In a September 2022 report based on a study conducted in four hospitals by the National Institute for Health and Care Research in Southampton (UK).

Researchers conducted 242 interviews, 32.5 hours of observations, and collected 55 documents across six case studies, focusing on the implementation of ePrescribing systems.

The systems, once fully implemented, significantly reduced clinically important prescribing errors, from 5.0% to 4.0% overall.

Features and Capabilities of CareMonitor's Electronic Prescribing Software Australia

At CareMonitor, we are committed to continuous innovation in the digital health space. Our Electronic Prescribing feature brings myriad benefits:

ADHA ePrescribing Conformance

Meeting the Australian Digital Health Agency's (ADHA) ePrescribing standards demonstrates that our software complies with the stringent requirements for secure and efficient electronic prescribing. By following these standards, CareMonitor allows healthcare providers to generate, transmit, and manage digital prescriptions with ease, thereby enhancing patient safety and minimising medication errors.

MIMS Integration

CareMonitor now connects with MIMS, a premier resource for drug information used by healthcare professionals. You can access crucial data like dosage guidelines, contraindications, drug interactions, and side effects directly through the CareMonitor platform. This integration simplifies your decision-making and enhances patient safety.

Streamlined Prescription Management

The upcoming support for the Active Script List (ASL) will provide users with a token management system, displaying a list of active prescriptions. This advancement will be especially beneficial for patients managing multiple medications, simplifying their medication management.

Robust Security and Privacy

Patient confidentiality and data security are our top priorities. All personal and medication information is fully encrypted, ensuring only the prescribing practitioner and the dispensing pharmacist can access the data. With ePrescribing, CareMonitor maintains the highest standards of privacy, as our system cannot decrypt or view patient information.

Future Care, Here Today.

Experience the future of healthcare with CareMonitor's state-of-the-art ePrescribing feature, designed to optimise safety, efficiency, and patient satisfaction.