Hospital in the Home Platform
Happier, healthier patients with improved outcomes.
Enables hospitals to maximise efficiency and manage capacity issues.
Hospital in the Home (HITH) is a digitally enabled model of sub-acute healthcare that allows patients to receive care to a hospital-grade clinical standard while remaining at home.
This could be during rehabilitation from a surgical procedure, when they need palliative care, when oncological treatments are being administered, or during pregnancy and post birth (maternal health) and there many more.
What is Hospital in the Home?
HITH is an innovative and highly effective form of connected healthcare that means patients don’t have to relinquish the comforts and conveniences of home. It also encourages them to reintegrate into their communities, gives them more control over their care and helps them make informed health decisions in their own interests.
Through telehealth video conferencing, real-time remote patient monitoring and other innovative tech solutions, Hospital in the Home provides an alternative to traditional hospitalisation.
Importantly, HITH and virtual hospital ward solutions also assist hospitals with hospital to manage capacity issues more effectively and provide improved access to care for patients with critical healthcare needs.
How does CareMonitor’s Hospital in the Home solution maximise clinical efficiency?
Creates and assigns
pre-programmed, customisable health pathways or care protocols for patient and multidisciplinary team to follow, allocate tasks and schedule reminders.
Encourages patients to play an active role in managing their health outcomes using assessment questionnaires (PREMs & PROMs), educational content, and telehealth (live video, audio, instant messaging + real time file sharing) solutions.
Unifies electronic medical records (EMR), incorporating data from both hospital and community care settings to facilitate streamlined communication between multidisciplinary healthcare professionals and patients.
Complements traditional in-patient models of care while boosting capacity in an accessible and flexible way, without limitations posed by distance for regional and remote patients.
HITH Features
Real time remote health monitoring of vital signs. Seamless integration with a range of health devices, such as blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeters, glucometers etc. Automatically synchronise data from compatible bluetooth enabled devices.
CareMonitor enables integrated, virtual care coordination, collaborate, communication, monitoring and management patient health patients by members of multidisciplinary care teams through the provision of a range of tools to securely.
Providers are looking for ways to enhance workflow efficiency and clinical best practice, while patients are demanding more control over their healthcare experience.
That’s where CareMonitor digital care pathways come in.
Built upon modular building blocks for a highly flexible design, CareMonitor's Digital Care Pathways can be customised to underpin the model of care adopted by the healthcare provider in the management of specific and disease agnostic conditions.
A range of tools to improve efficiency of clinical workflow such as best practice care plan templates for major disease categories which can be completely customised, ability to quickly add patient groups to watch lists, assign tasks, automate patient reminders, send secure in app messages to patients and make video consultations as required.
Engage, educate and empower patients via user friendly mobile app (iOS and Android). Activate the patients to play a role in their own health.
Push health assessment questionnaires (PREMs & PROMs), provide educational content, conduct video consultations and track patient activity between visits to improve patient outcomes and deliver care that is personalised to the patient.
Population health dashboard provides real time insights to monitor patient outcomes, identify and address care gaps within patient populations.
Advanced analytics and reporting link and aggregate data (including across multiple sites) to provide comprehensive clinical cohort analysis.
CareMonitor’s Hospital in the Home software solution includes real-time remote health monitoring of vital signs, as well as seamless integration with a range of health devices, such as blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeters, glucometers etc.
Your clinical team can allocate specific health pathways or care protocols for the patient and multidisciplinary team to follow, assign tasks, automate patient reminders, send secure in app messages to patients and make video calls, as required.
Hospital at Home Software
Benefits for Patients
Not having to travel to medical appointments.
Better access patients, regardless of location or physical abilities.
More control over the recovery process.
Feelings of emotional and physical support.
Less strain on partners and carers.
Ability to get home to family and cherished pets.
Reduced re-admission rates.
Lowered risk of hospital acquired infections.
Clinical studies have found that hospital in the home care can be just as effective as traditional hospital care.
The Medical Journal of Australia discovered that on the use of hospital in the home services (in the pre-COVID era) is associated with a lower likelihood of readmission within 28 days (2.3% vs 3.6%) and lower rates of patient deaths (0.3% vs 1.4%), compared with being an inpatient.
Home is a less stressful environment where the patient’s quality of sleep improves, and the risk of a hospital-acquired infection is mitigated.
Also, carers and family can support the patient without juggling visiting hours and having to travel.
A 2021 study published in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that patients who experienced at-home hospital care had a 26% lower re-admission risk and a lower risk for admission into long-term care facilities.

Unlock Smarter Healthcare Now
Are you striving to improve patient care outcomes, increase efficiency and workflow, and prevent unneeded hospitalisations?
Our Hospital in the Home Solution is here to help.
Learn how our world-class platform can improve your healthcare delivery outcomes, click the button below to get in touch.