Monitor, identify and address care gaps within the patient population.

Our population health solution helps healthcare providers work with communities, regions and other groups to ensure beneficial provisions to support individual needs and superior health outcomes. 

What is population health?

Population health is, at its core, an investment in the collective wellbeing of a community. By focusing on areas where healthcare resources are needed most and allocating them accordingly, population health seeks to break down barriers that drive poor overall health outcomes.


Comprehensive Insight into Demographics and Social Determinants of Health

CareMonitor’s Population Health solution provides an invaluable tool to support healthcare professionals in their efforts to improve population health.

Our platform offers comprehensive data on population-level metrics such as demographics, socioeconomic status, and access to resources. This data allows for deeper insight into specific populations and helps identify areas of inequality and disparities leading to poor outcomes.

Through evidence-based decision making and targeted interventions, our population health solution can help you make meaningful changes in your community's health outcomes.


Intelligent Insights to Improve Care Outcomes

By linking and aggregating data across multiple sites, our population health solution provides comprehensive clinical cohort analysis and advanced analytics and reporting.

This allows healthcare providers to work together with communities, regions and other groups to ensure the most beneficial provisions are in place to best support the needs of the people they serve..


Accessible Patient Data

Our population health solution provides healthcare providers with access to a comprehensive view of the patient data.

All patient data is accessible in one place, making it easy for providers to track and monitor patient outcomes.

This data can also be used to develop and implement customised care plans for the patient population, as well as identify and address care gaps to ensure superior health outcomes.

Change Your Community's Health with Evidence-Based Decisions

Healthcare professionals: now is the time to take action and request a demo to learn more about how our population health solution can help tackle the underlying issues that contribute to poor community health outcomes.

CareMonitor is here to help.

Request a demo today and start building a healthier tomorrow!

Our Solutions

  • Chronic Condition Management

    Quality, comprehensive and scalable care for patients living with long-term chronic and complex conditions.

  • Hospital in the Home

    Hospital in the Home

    Hospital-quality care delivered in the home = happier, healthier patients and improved outcomes.

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